Expedition – Bamfield Update 1


Our first week in Bamfield was mostly practice with the various bits of equipment and familiarization with the divers. At the end of the first week we repeated our pre-testing measurements. I did a morning and afternoon blood draw on the participants and Luisa did FMD measurements with the ultrasound. Saturday afternoon, we hopped into the car and made good time back to Vancouver catching a dinnertime ferry.


Looking up Howe Sound and the Sea to Sky Highway on the ferry ride home.

The Barkley Star – diver trasport vessel. Starfish everywhere you look!

Wednesday, Martin and I travelled back to Bamfield – another rainy day on the ferry. We got settled in and polished off some work in the evening. Thursday morning we set up our equipment in preparation for a long afternoon of data collection. The divers trickled in and Martin separated them into an exercise or rest group while I measured nitrogen bubbles in their bloodstream with our Doppler ultrasound. Friday we had more of the same. The divers were starting to get a bit worn out with their heavy dive shcedule but they were still good sports about participating in the experiment.

Martin observing the divers exercising. Eric conducting ultrasound bubble measurements.

Saturday morning we got up early and caught the divers before breakfast for a blood draw. After quickly spinning and allocating the blood to separate tubes we got out for a quick run and then were back in time for the second blood draw before lunch.

Blood collection and storage.

We headed out of Bamfield Saturday afternoon and tried to catch the same ferry as last week but ended up on a detour to a different terminal after ours was closed indefinitely due to a bomb threat. One more weekend left of data collection, we leave on Wednesday.


The first week in Bamfield was a great chance to get to do some quality training for the summer. Sarah and I have our eyes set on some trail running races this fall plus it is a good start towards a base for skimo season. I got in a few workouts on the logging roads and trails near the Marine Station including a longer run along the first 7km of the West Coast Trail. The incredibly muddy and twisty trails gave me a good chance to test out my new Innov-8 X-Talon trail running shoes.


X-Talon tracks…


Movescount week summary.

The West Coast Trail is a highway compared to some of the other trails around Bamfield. Parts are gravel and the rest is dirt with some rooted and muddy sections but generally easy to follow. It has a very real rainforrest feeling and sometimes it seems like the Jungle is closing in around you. Fallen trees pull up their roots creating huge vertical walls. There are also sections of ladders and bridges to get around otherwise impassible vertical headwalls. Martin and I got out for several runs this week as well though mostly in the rain and on the roads around the town.

A trail in the jungle. Ladders and bridges. Nice views open up along the way.

Garmin data from my out and back run along the West Coast Trail starting at Pachena Beach.

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