Trail DST Jacket and Dynafit Summer Clothing Review

This spring, I got a big care package from Dynafit with some of their new summer goodies. I already posted a review of the Pantera shoes on but here is a bit about some of the clothing. Trail DST Jacket This is a comfortable jacket that fits well. I suspect it must be DWR[…]

Running Speed Records in the Sea-To-Sky

**Update: This post is slightly out of date. The latest FKTs I am aware of will be stored on my FKT Page accessible in the menu above.*** Chasing speed records is addicting. With the advent of Strava and the exploits of Killian Jornet and others, it is difficult not to get caught up in the[…]

2014 Rainier FKT

Plan A: Liberty Ridge Skimo Mission Ever since our speed mission last year on Tahoma (Mt. Rainier), Nick and I have been planning to return for another but were looking for a route that would require a bit more actual climbing rather than just running up and down the cow-path on the standard Disappointment Cleaver[…]