Spring on the Coast!

Though I still have a draft of my season racing wrap-up post sitting uncompleted, it seems more appropriate to give a little recap of the last two months of what I’ve been up to since getting home from Europe. At the beginning of April when I first arrived, it was essentially still winter on the Coast (despite[…]

It’s on!

January has been a whirlwind of travel. I wrapped up my planned data collection for the semester over Christmas break and my leave of absence from school started on January 1st. In what was probably an optimistic at best and more likely unwise fit of planning, I arranged a series of flights, car rides, hostels,[…]

Wyoming to Bruson!

  This is a long post but it covers from Christmas though a road trip to Wyoming and all the way to Bruson, Switzerland! US Team Qualifiers in Wyoming After the long solo drive to Colorado for the first set of U.S. Team qualfiying races, the road trip to Jackson Hole seemed easy. Just 12[…]