Fall Training Update

November and December were two of my biggest training months this year with a big focus on volume, especially skiing vertical ascent, and this is pretty well reflected in the numbers. I’m happy with my totals, especially compared to the same months in 2012 (as I prepped for US Nationals in January) although the low[…]

Confessions of a Side-Slipper

I’ll admit to being very inspired by Stano’s recent interview with Trevor Hunt. One part that rang particularly true to me was Trevor’s comment: “Side-slipping is not steep-skiing, it’s just side-slipping”. While I try to live up to this mantra whenever I find myself somewhere steep, I must confess to being a side-slipper. Paul and I[…]

Tricouni Peak Exploring

A bit of snow up high and no snow in the valley has meant that logging roads, normally inaccessible with a winter snowpack, allow access to high places that usually go unvisited. Tricouni Peak, just North of Squamish is one such zone. Tricouni gets a bit of attention in the summer as a scramble but is typically reserved for sledders in the winter.