AlpinRunning in SW BC

Kilian Jornet can definitely take credit for popularizing the idea of light and fast travel in the mountains in a way that many had not considered. His idea of “alpinrunning” is to move with the speed and efficiency of a trail runner but on terrain previously considered alpine climbing. It’s not to say he’s the first[…]

Delayed Summer

Compared to 2015, the summer has been slow coming. We’ve had pretty extended periods of unsettled weather and not much for hot sunny stretches. This, combined with a good winter snowpack, means that conditions in the alpine are actually pretty good when the sun does come out. I’ve gotten in a few pretty awesome days[…]

Training – Six Favourite Trail Runs in Squamish – 2016 Update

This is the 2016 edition of my favourite trail runs in Squamish. I don’t have much for pictures just yet but check out the descriptions and maps! One of the most essential pieces of gear for running in Squamish is the Squamish Trail Map App – download it from right now! It’s the best $10 you[…]