Shoulder Season
In Squamish, in the shoulder season, it rains a lot. And kind of non-stop for days on end. We get a lot of warnings like these:
In Squamish, in the shoulder season, it rains a lot. And kind of non-stop for days on end. We get a lot of warnings like these:
The Rubble Creek Classic trail race is one of the best in BC, traversing from Helm Creek near Function Junction in Whistler, over the volcanic cinder flats and Taylor Meadows below Black Tusk, and then down Rubble Creek near Squamish.
The Squamish50 was the biggest event on my race calendar this year and it certainly lived up to the hype. Growing the event each year, Gary has managed to make it into a full weekend with two days of racing and a film festival.
Nick wanted to climb the Northeast Arete on Wedge Mountain this week, on of the classic Coastal mountaineering routes. I was keen but had already done it so I suggested we try something that we had been talking about since last season. Wedgemount Lake is a beautiful turquoise glacial lake with a small hut in Garibaldi Park. One[…]
My 2013 recap will start with training. I am pretty happy with my overall numbers. At just shy of 700 hours and over 204 km (.6 million ft.) of vertical ascent, I climbed nearly two thirds of the way to the International Space Station and well above the stratosphere. These numbers are again a big jump[…]