Tantalus Ski Traverse – FKT

Nick and I have had the Tantalus Ski Traverse on our minds for a few years now. It’s right outside Squamish and on paper, the Traverse shouldn’t take that long. It’s 40km with 3500m of elevation gain. The terrain doesn’t exactly lend itself to moving as fast as possible however. Partly because you start essentially at[…]

Training and US Team Trials

The first big hurdle of the season is passed! Last weekend was the first of two qualifying races for the 2017 US World Championship team, held in McCall, Idaho at Brundage Mountain Resort. The Northwest Passage Race featured a Vertical and Individual event, both of which served as qualifiers for their respective World’s event (the second qualifying[…]

Europe PDG Trip

  This post is pretty long overdue but after crashing in a race over the weekend, I’m off training for a few days which plenty of time for catching up on my blog. Summer came fast in Squamish and we’re solidly into running season. Before this though, winter was in full swing and pretty crazy.[…]

Full McBride Traverse FKT

With pretty mangled feet, I’ve not got much to do other than write a blog post so here goes. The McBride Traverse is a BC Coast Range classic that goes through a big chunk of Garibaldi Park. Several variations exist with parties starting both from the top of the lifts at Whistler Blackcomb or in[…]